Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 11

Date: July 14, 2010
Location: Hollywood 16 Theater
Tuscaloosa, AL

A Night at the Movies!

I swore I wouldn't do it. I just knew I would hate it! I knew I did not enjoy vampires, sci-fi, etc. Of all people, my dad convinced me to watch Twilight. He told me to watch just the first 20 minutes and if I didn't care to see the end of the movie, that would be it. I could turn it off and be done. As it goes, I was HOOKED and confused. I couldn't explain my attraction to the characters, or why I am on Team Edward. But I love it!

Elisha and I saw Eclipse one day after work. It was great! She said it was most like the book. I still haven't read the books, but I can't wait to start.

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